The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence and as a Swiss born and raised person, I was always dreaming of travelling and living in other parts of the world. So I often asked myself why Switzerland is so well regarded internationally?

Over the last decade the Swiss financial center certainly had his fair share of international pressure. Our banks have lost their secrecy. Roger Federer is number 15 in the world. And, I might lose my passport for saying this, but we might not even make the best chocolate anymore! So why does Switzerland keep on showing up at the top of these world rankings?

Obviously safety, stability and quality of life are huge factors.

I personally think that one element often overlooked is the long-standing tradition of a decentralised governing system. Citizens directly participate in the political process and regional administrations (cantons, communes) hold significant powers. This prevents the political 'star' system we can see in other countries; the obsession of the next election. It invites a citizen-oriented approach in the reflections and decision making process.

We have no almighty president or king (except Roger) but a government seemingly trying their best to work for the interest of the country, far from the cover pages of the international press.